A day in the life

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Surgery

OK sorry for not putting up a post sooner. But after surgery I didn’t take out my computer all week. So here is the story. I went in to the hospital on June 5th at 8:45am. They took me back to pre-op right away. When I got back there it was about an hour. I got to watch some Regis and Kelly. Then the man with the good drugs came back. I wanted to marry him. I don’t remember any thing after that. In the past I would remember rolling in to the operating room but not this time. And on top of that I don’t remember much of the remainder of the day. My Brother came to the hospital just before I got out of surgery. He stayed for about 4 hours. He asked the Nurses if I was going to wake up any time soon. They told him that they gave me more drugs before I came up to my room so he decided to leave and come back later. The came back that night and I was still pretty out of it. My Surgery Angel cam by also I don’t remember much of that also.

On Tuesday I had many visitors. My brother came by in the morning. I was still pretty tired and told he didn’t have to stay. Later in the afternoon Bryan and Angie cam by as you can see by the picture Bryan tried to take below. They hung around for awhile. After they left I took another nap. When I woke up my Friend Paula came by. She decided to leave when I started to get sick. Tuesday night was NOT a good night. It was my first time saying “What the carp did I just do?” Well it passed!

Wednesday was good I felt good and the only thing that was not going well was my roommate in the hospital. That is a whole other story. I called my brother and told him to come by at around 2pm to get me. Then I got a visitor that I didn’t think would come by. Mike Brinkman my youth pastor and a good friend of me and my brother. The nurse came in and asked if I wanted to take a shower. I told her I would do it just before I went home. She said that my discharge paper we ready. I Mike told me he would go to lunch and then come back ant take me home. Well when I got home I pretty much spent the remainder of the week in bed.

So all is well now. I have included by before picture taken the morning of surgery and a few from the hospital. I hope you enjoy the pictures.


At July 24, 2006 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm way behind in checking this, but now I see you already had the surgery... A month ago! Congrats! I'm coming to visit Minneapolis soon... August 22-30, so I'll see you then!


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