A day in the life

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Yesterday I was granted the opportunity to go to lunch with my friend Bryan I just want everyone to hear about our day. Well the lunch started off under with the mission of going to lunch before I won’t be able to eat anymore. So we decided to go to Andy's Garage. We had good food and got caught up on life in true Brian fashion. After lunch we proceeded to go to Target as we passed over Snelling Avenue I pointed out that the McDonald’s expanded its store. Bryan was misguided in thinking that it was a new store. I informed him it had been there over 10 years. Well Bryan was missed informed and this is where the $0.50 comes in to the story. The bet was on. I called Justin to help me bring Bryan on to the right path but he was unavailable. We went along our way to Target. As we were leaving Target Bryan said I guess we will never find out who was right. I could not let that happen. I decide to go up to the police officer at the door of Target (we were in the hood target hence the police officer) as ask him to verify the McDonalds a few block up has been there for years. He said YES it has. After that Bryan up the money. Wow I sure have some strange lunches some times don’t I?


At April 27, 2006 12:47 PM, Blogger Justin said...

unfortunately -- i wouldn't have been able to help you solve that mystery anyway. it has been there as long as i can remember -- but that really isn't that long...

At April 28, 2006 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hood Target":)


At April 28, 2006 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officer was on Tiffany's payroll. 'Nuff said.


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